The largest custom shower base we can manufacture is a 2400mm x 1200mm base.
Our linear shower base range is only available in standard set sizes.
MULTIPANEL has no VOC emissions and is Eco Specified.
By applying a continuous 3mm bead of Foaming adhesive on both sides of the tongue (not the groove).
If there is a section where the Foaming Adhesive is missing, the join is compromised and may leak.
If the sheets are not pulled in tight with a continuous bead of Foaming Adhesive visible, the join is compromised and may move with the building and open over time.
We estimate you will need one tube of each of the adhesives per sheet.
MULTIPANEL is only available through one of our Resellers
MULTIPANEL continues to work with companies to ensure any third party product that is recommended, has been tested and approved by the third party manufacturer. A list of recommended adhesives and membranes are available to download on the website.

Major resellers